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Types and characteristics of SMD Ceramic capacitor

Chip capacitor Types and characteristics of:
   Monolithic Ceramic capacitor(commonly known as patch capacitors) is a commonly used component with a large amount of usage, which can replaceTantalum capacitorZhishi has different specifications such as NPO (COG), X7R, X5R, Y5V, etc., and different specifications have different uses. Let's introduce the performance and application of commonly used NPO, X7R, X5R, and Y5V, as well as the ordering precautions that should be noted in procurement. NPO, X7R, X5R, and Y5V are temperature characteristic codes for capacitors, mainly caused by different filling media of capacitors. The capacity, dielectric loss, and capacity stability of capacitors filled with different media also vary. So when using capacitors, different capacitors should be selected based on their different functions in the circuit.
A temperature compensated NPO (COG) capacitor
NPO is one of the most commonly used monolithic Ceramic capacitor with temperature compensation characteristics. Its filling medium is composed of rubidium, samarium, and some other rare oxides. NPO capacitors are one of the capacitors with the most stable capacitance and dielectric loss. At temperatures ranging from -55 ℃ to 125 ℃, the capacity change is 0 ± 30 ppm/℃, and the change in capacitance with frequency is less than ± 0.3 Δ C. The drift or hysteresis of NPO capacitors is less than ± 0.05%, which is negligible compared to thin film capacitors greater than ± 2%. The typical change in capacity relative to service life is less than ± 0.1%. NPO capacitors have different characteristics of capacitance and dielectric loss with frequency variation depending on the packaging form. Large packaging sizes have better frequency characteristics than small packaging sizes.


Two high dielectric constant X7R (R7) characteristic capacitors
The X7R capacitor is called a temperature stable Ceramic capacitor. When the temperature is between -55 ℃ and 125 ℃, the capacity change is 15%. It should be noted that the capacity change of the capacitor is nonlinear at this time. The capacity of X7R capacitors varies under different voltage and frequency conditions, and it also varies over time, changing by approximately 1% every 10 years Δ C. It shows a change of about 5% over the past 10 years. The X7R capacitor is mainly used in industrial applications with low requirements, and its capacity change is acceptable when the voltage changes. Its main feature is that it can have a relatively large electrical capacity in the same volume.

Y5V characteristic capacitor with three high dielectric constants
Y5V capacitors are general-purpose capacitors with certain temperature limitations, with a capacity change of 22% to -82% and a dielectric loss of 5% within the operating temperature range of -30 ℃ to 85 ℃. The high dielectric constant of Y5V allows for manufacturing up to 100 in smaller physical sizes μ F's capacitor.

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